esmaspäev, 20. august 2007

27. The History Boys (2006)

Režissöör: Nicholas Hytner
(Põhineb Alan Bennetti näidendil)
IMDB tärne: 6,8/10
According to Time [1], the film is better than the original play, as the transformation to film improved the 'flow and intimacy' of the production, while preserving the messages it seeks to convey. /wiki
In 1980s Britain, a group of young men at Cutlers' Grammar School all have the brains, and the will to earn the chance of getting accepted in the finest universities in the nation, Oxford and Cambridge. Despite the fine teaching by excellent professionals like Mrs Lintott in history and the intellectually enthusiastic Hector in General Studies, the Headmaster is not satisfied. He signs on the young Irwin to polish the students' style to give them the best chance. In this mix of intellectualism and creative spirit that guides a rigorous preparation regime for that ultimate educational brass ring, the lives of the randy students and the ostensibly restrained faculty intertwine that would change their lives forever. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

Mulle meeldis. See ei ole kohe kindlasti tüüpiline noortefilm, mille tegevus on paigutatud keskkooli. On olemas keskmisele noortekomöödiale omased elemendid, aga need tõlgendatakse lahti hoopis teisiti. Homoseksuaalsusest õpetajate ja õpilaste tasandil. Õpetaja-õpilase suhe - sh õpetajate usaldamine (kui tõenäoline on, et keegi siin läheb oma õpetaja juurde ja räägib talle, et ta on vist gei?). Või see, kuidas õpetajad püüavad õpilasi asjast huvituma panna ja õpetajate siiras huvi aine vastu. Mängulisus ja teatud reeglite puudumine klassiruumis. In search of ultimate knowledge. Tõdemine, et me ei tee seda kõike alati enda pärast, vaid seepärast, et teised ootavad. Silmakirjalikud 'kõrgemad isikud', kes sinusse ei usu. Ja kõik see suudeti väga veenvalt välja mängida. Filmi esimeses pooles olid mu suunurgad ülesse suunatud, filmi teises pooles poetasin ma mõne pisara.

Mrs. Lintott: And you, Rudge? How do you define history?
Rudge: Can I speak freely without being hit?
Mrs. Lintott: You have my protection.
Rudge: How do I define history? Well it's just one fucking thing after another, isn't it?

Timms: You've got crap handwriting, sir!
Tom Irwin: It's your eyesight that's bad, and we know what that's caused by.
Timms: Sir! Is that a coded reference to the mythical dangers of self-abuse?
Tom Irwin: Possibly. It might even be a joke.
Dakin: A joke, sir. Oh. Are jokes going to be a feature, sir? We need to know as it affects our mindset.

Hector: The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours.

Minu hinne: 8/10

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