
Režisöörid: Rachel Grady & Heidi Ewing
IMDB tärne: 7,6/10
JESUS CAMP, directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, directors of the critically acclaimed The Boys of Baraka, follows Levi, Rachael, and Tory to Pastor Becky Fischer's "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devil's Lake, North Dakota, where kids as young as 6 years-old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in "God's army." The film follows these children at camp as they hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ." The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.
Filmis polnud otseselt Michael Moore'i sarnast tegelaskuju, vaid projektil lasti ise kulgeda. Ometi süüdistatakse filmitegijaid liigses subjektiivsuses või teinekord jällegi objektiivsuses - ühtset loogikat polegi. Ning alati annab süüdistada neid kuramuse liberaale, kes traditsioone hävitavad ning aborte & homoseksuaalseid suhteid heaks kiidavad. Kuigi ma olen kindel, et mitte kõik evangelistid, ei käitu sarnaselt, tekitab hirmu see, et k ü l l a l t k i paljud käituvad. Ja kui küsida minu käest, kas tegu oli ajupesuga, siis vastus oleks jaatav.
Laste 'vaimne teejuht' lausus sellised sõnad:
"I can go into a playground of kids that don't know anything about Christianity, lead them to the Lord in a matter of, just no time at all, and just moments later they can be seeing visions and hearing the voice of God, because they're so open. They are so usable in Christianity."Ja mina, kuram, kardan selliseid inimesi, sest minu jaoks on nad vaimselt ebastabiilsed.
Või see, kui väike tüdruk ütleb midagi sellist:
There are certain churches, they're called "dead churches," and the people there, they sit there, like this [blank stare monotone] "We worship you God, we worship you God."... The churches that God likes to go to, are churches where they're jumping up and down, shouting his name, and just praising him, they're not acting - they're not quiet [pious frown monotone] "We worship you... ," they're [exhuberant jumping] "Hallelujah God!" And depending on how they invite him, he'll be there, or not.Kokkuvõttes kritiseerib see tüdruk niiöelda vaikset ja omaette uskumist - sest nii jumal ei kuule - ja tema arust ainuke viis jumalaga suhtlemiseks on käed-püsti-taeva-poole.
Ja siis esines ühe poisi ema väga rumalate sõnavõttudega:
We believe that there's two kinds of people in this world: people who love Jesus and people who don't.
Did you get to the part yet where they say that science hasn't proven anything? (poisi koolitükkide kohta siis)Enne laagrit käisid eee .. usukuulutajad läbi terve hoone ja palusid jumalat, et kõik ikka töötaks.
"Bless the PowerPoint and microphones. We know what Satan does at meeting like this. I rebuke you Satan!"
Child 1: Mom, dosn't he look a bit like Harry Potter?Ning mulle meenutasid need lapsed, kes filmis hüsteeriliselt nutsid, zombisid. Ja nii ongi.
Mom: Yes
Child 2: I can't watch it...Because it has Witch Craft.
Child 3: *talks while smiling* Well, my mom dosn't want me to watch any of the movies because they have witch craft but I watch it at my dads!
Child 4: *Gives a scared look*
Child 5: *Rolls his eyes left & right*
Ning mind jätkuvalt häirib see, kuidas padukristlased Bushi tegusid õigustavad (et sõda on tegelikult ok ja süütud inimesed saavad surma yada-yada) ja tegelikult see ka, kuidas nad pidevalt rõhutavad, et 'meie rahvus' tuleb päästa ja viitavad seejuures ainult endile. Et .. the whole world is phuckedup, why don't you want to save them? Silmakirjalikkus.
Film ajas trotsi täis.
Minu hinne: 7/10
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